St Sava Serbian Orthodox Church
530 77th Ave N St Petersburg FL 33702
КУД Српски Бисер наступао у Италији и Шпанији ••• KUD Srpski Biser performed in Italy and Spain

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The Serbian Pearl on a trip to Europe 2023

    This summer our dance group Serbian Pearl from St. Petersburg Florida packed their bags and headed off to Europe. Dragan Pantelic Art director of TALIJA Art Co. and director of this year's festival Grand Allegria Festival invited Srpski Biser to attend the cultural festival with up to 1,500 participants from all over the world. It was a thrilling experience for our group to perform and show our Serbian cultural dances in front of the Italian and Spanish people.

    Our first destination was in Italy a beautiful city Lido de Jesolo. Several dancers of Srpski biser shed tears after performing our traditional dance representing the beautiful Serbian culture in front large crowd. The applause of the tourists and Italian people pleasantly surprised all of our dancers. In the free time we had,we explored Lido de Jesolo and took a scenic boat ride to Venice, where we took a gondola ride throughout the city.

    Our next adventure took place in Calella, Spain. At the start of the festival, dance groups from all parts of the world lined up and filled the streets with songs and chants representing their countries. Here in Calella, our group participated in the program for three days. The closing of the program included a fun Zumba Party where we all danced together with the crowd for the finale of the program. During our stay in Spain, our group explored Callela’s beautiful beaches and participated in fun water sports. The program directors organized a trip to barcelona with a tour guide for our group, where we were shown the most beautiful locations in Barcelona filled with history, which our tour guide took the time to explain.

     We are truly honored and grateful to have participated with groups from all over the world both young and older generations performed. Srpski biser would like to thank our entire parish and our priest, Father Dragan Zaric for encouraging and supporting our folklor group with donations, including the donations received from GoFundMe on Facebook. We would like to also thank President Mira Bulut and our choreographers Selena Despotovic and Zarko Stanimirovic for organizing and preparing our group to perform in Europe. This trip opened our eyes to many cultures and has connected us with many other Serbians who participated in the program from Germany, France, and Belgrade. This trip has changed our lives and we are eager to come back fresh with motivation, to start our new dance season this year.


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Српска слога
Србин има једну мисо 
У срце му Бог уписо: 
Да он сваком добра жели, 
Да сироту не уцвели, 
Да дарује ко му тражи 
И бол свачиј да ублажи.
Само Србин нема слоге, 
Отуда му беде многе. 

Србин има прошлост славну 
Има веру православну,
Има језик – бисер сјајни, 
Има песму – ђердан бајни, 
Има памет – да царује, 
И вештину – да војује.
Само Србин нема слоге 
Отуда му беде многе. 

Србин има бистро око 
И брзину као соко,
Што науми учиниће, 
Што погреши поправиће, 
Свуда стиже, све постиже, 
Нико Богу није ближе. 
Само Србин нема слоге, 
Отуда му беде многе.

Ал' кад Србин стекне слогу, 
Милији ће бити Богу, 
И мајке ће у даљини, 
У Индији и у Кини, 
Својој деци говорити: 
- Желите ли срећни бити 
На Србе се угледајте 
Српском слогом заблистајте!

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Ancient Faith Radio
Diocese of Eastern America
Православни Мисионарски Центар

The Holy Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul 

Troparion — Tone 4

First-enthroned of the apostles, teachers of the universe: Entreat the Master of all to grant peace to the world, and to our souls great mercy!

Kontakion — Tone 2

O Lord, You have taken up to eternal rest and to the enjoyment of Your blessings the two divinely-inspired preachers, the leaders of the Apostles, for You have accepted their labors and deaths as a sweet-smelling sacrifice, for You alone know what lies in the hearts of men.

Kontakion — Tone 2

Today Christ the Rock glorifies with highest honor The rock of Faith and leader of the Apostles, Together with Paul and the company of the twelve, Whose memory we celebrate with eagerness of faith, Giving glory to the one who gave glory to them!