St Sava Serbian Orthodox Church
530 77th Ave N St Petersburg FL 33702
Детињци / Serbian Children`s day

Посебне недеље поводом празника Рођења Христовог – Детињци, Материце, Оци

У црквеним службама поводом празника Рођења Христовог постоје три посебне недеље, две пре, а једна после Божића. То су Недеља Праотаца, Недеља Отаца и Недеља Богоотаца. У Недељу Праотаца (у српском народу познатoj као Материце) помињемо на богослужењима све родоначалнике Народа Божјег, од Адама до Јосифа, заручника Маријиног. Помињемо и све пророке који су проповедали о Христу, од Самуила до Јована Крститеља. У Недељу Отаца (у нас познатој као Оци) прослављамо све Исусове претке по телу који се наводе у родослову у Јеванђељима од Матеја и Луке. У Недељу Богоотаца, после Празника Рођења Христовог, чинимо успомену на Праведног Јосифа, заручника Маријиног и на цара Давида као директног претка Исусовог. Дочекујући празник насветијег Рођења на земљи, српски народ и Српска Црква у три недеље пред овај празник обележавају наше овоземаљске породице, а које су Цркве у малом и слике љубави Божје у Светој Тројици. Дакле, то је типично српско слављење, као што је и крсна слава типична српска светковина. У књизи Веронаука у кући из 1982. године пише: "Припреми овог најрадоснијег дана, искључиво у нашем српском народу, посвећене су нарочито три последње недеље пред Божић, за које наш народ има и специјалне називе: Детињци, Материце и Оцеви, као и за дане уочи самог празника: Туциндан и Бадњидан. У овим припремним недељама пред Божић народни обичаји су, углавном, свуда исти. Најпре оци и мајке, у трећу недељу пред Божић, која се зове Детињци, изјутра рано "везују" своју децу, негде чак и ону у колевци, а деца им се "дреше". Пошто је то увек недеља по Светом Николи, то обично "Свети Никола ујутру доноси деци поклоне". У другу недељу пред Божић, која се зове Материце, оци и деца "везују" мајке (матере), а оне им се "дреше". У недељу пред сам Божић, која се зове Оци, мајке и деца "везују" оце, а они им се "дреше". Ово узајамно "дрешење" је узајамно чињење поклона љубави, што ствара празничну, свечану атмосферу у породичним хришћанским круговима. Такву празничну атмосферу створили су источни мудраци светој породици Богодетета поклонивши Му се у Витлејемској пећини, уз дарове: смирне, тамјана и злата. Символика овог узајамног "везивања" и "дрешења" деце и родитеља јасна је: припремамо се за дочек најрадоснијег празника хришћанског - Божића, који је помирио човека са Богом одрешивши га веза греховних, а везавши га новом везом љубави за Бога. У жељи, дакле, да Његов долазак сачекамо везани најчвршћим везама међусобне љубави, јер је и Он - Божић - Љубав, која је "свеза савршенства", и ми се о Детињцима, Материцама и Оцима међусобно "везујемо" и "дрешимо". То везивање и дрешење превазилази наше породичне кругове и простире се на рођаке, пријатеље и све наше познанике, и тако настаје спонтано опште српско, православно-хришћанско прослављање везивања и дрешења пред наступајући празник Рођења Спаситељева, који је одрешио Адама и Еву од вечне смрти и подарио им живот вечни. И тако, искључиво српски народ је осмислио на свом сопственом искуству наш хришћанско-православни календар, који је уједно и српски народни календар. Детињци, Материце и Оци су, дакле, наши народни празници нанизани у предпразништву Рођења Христовог, тако да су у средини Материце, дан мајки, јер је мајка веза по којој "да није мајке, ни света не би било". Материце су празник Светих српских мајки, Детињци су дан Свете српске деце, а Оци - дан Светих српских отаца, чији се број не може избројати (стр. 60-61).

протојереј-ставрофор Душан Колунџић

About Serbian Children’s Day, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day The following is from the book, “Divine Liturgy, Prayers, Catechism,” St. Sava Seminary Fund, 1979.

Among many national customs, the Serbs have a special one in which we REMEMBER and TIE as well as give gifts on Children’s, Mother’s, and Father’s Day. The Church Books dedicate the two Sundays preceding Christmas to the Forefathers and Fathers, the Righteous Ones and the Prophets of the Old Testament, who awaited the coming of the Saviour, symbolically depicted Him and prophesied His Advent, but did not live to see Him. Why did the Church choose to institute this commemoration of the Old Testament Fathers just before Christmas, the day we celebrate the Birth of the Creator of the New Testament? The Church felt it obligatory to portray to its adherents the connection between the old and the new, to teach us to see the history of mankind as a whole, and to show us that God’s plan is a continuous one. The Serbian people willingly adopted this tradition from the Apostolic Church, and through the years have faithfully kept its teaching. However, being of a very practical intellect, the Serbian people have applied this ancient custom to enhance their lives in the way most beneficial to them. They divided this commemoration of the Fathers so that one Sunday was dedicated to Children, one to Mothers and one to Fathers. Why? Because Serbs put a strong emphasis on the importance of unity and sharing in family life. Enlightened by Orthodox Christianity, and realizing that family observances are a priceless tool in preserving family unity, the Serbs guard and nurture their family observances with unparalleled zeal. Knowing that the Birth of Christ is a fulfillment of the past, a reality of the present and promise of the future, the Serbs, in their preparation for the solemn celebration of the Christmas Holiday want the entire family to participate in demonstratively incorporating itself for the most important and climactic day – the Christmas Feast. Just as the blood relationship between parents and children is indissoluble, the religious tie between true Christians and Christmas is inseparable. This is the reason why our calendar proposes three holidays before Christmas: Children’s, Mother’s, and Father’s Day. In doing so, we remember the holy children, the holy mothers, and the holy fathers: we link children with parents and parents with children. All three of these observances have one and the same purpose: REMEMBERANCE and TYING. In celebrating CHILDREN’S DAY we remember all the holy children of God, those innocent creatures of God who Christ Cites as the prime example to those of us who want to enter the kingdom of heaven. For He said: “Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 18, 3). Then he continued: “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come to me: for such is the Kingdom of Heaven “ (Matthew 19, 4). And He concluded: “Whoseever offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a milestone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depths of the sea” (Matthew 18,6). When we cease to be children physically, we lose the receptiveness, naturalness, and candor characteristic of children, which, if properly nurtured, may inspire divine feelings of happiness, esctasy, and charity. Through proper education the children learn to respect their parents, and concomitantly, earn the reputation of being good children and good Christians. In our celebration of MOTHER’S DAY we dearly remember all the holy mothers from the past history of the Christian Church plus those from our own Serbian Orthodox Church. If there were no holy mothers, many of the Saints would not have been pious, virtuous people, nor would they be commemorated in our calendar today. “Mother” is a holy Name. She suffers much for children both spiritually and physically. Like Christ, her love is inexhaustible. Why did Christ give Himself to be crucified for the sinners? Because He saw in every sinner some good under the shadow of evil. In like manner, only the mother can see something good in her most corrupt son or immoral daughter. And it is very hard to understand Christ’s Love for mankind if we do not properly understand the love of a mother for her children. In celebrating FATHER’S DAY we remember with esteem all the holy fathers from both the old and new Church. We also remember all the Serbian fathers who gave their lives for “the Holy Cross and golden freedom.” Psychology and Religion agree that a child receives its first idea about God from its parents. And the role of the father is vital in developing that idea. Traditionally, one of the first things we teach our children is to cross themselves and pray, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Consequently, the word “Father” is tied to God from the very beginning. Also, the first prayer we teach our children is the Lord’s Prayer which begins with “Our Father…” Again, here is a tremendous responsibility imposed upon the father since the word “Father” is tied directly to God. With this concept we are telling our children that God is like our Father. And this puts a heavy load on the father for he must be an example of everything good, moral, and charitable. Perhaps we should mention here also that children can get a totally opposite conception of God if their earthly father is a drunkard, or without love, understanding or forgiveness – or if he doesn’t care for his children. But in such cases, the mother comes to the rescue. By showing her devotion and inexhaustible love for her offspring, she overshadows the father’s weakness and molds a beautiful picture of God on their children. In addition to REMEMBERING, TYING is a representative factor in celebrating these holy days. On Children’s Day parents tie their children, on Mother’s Day children tie their mothers, and on Father’s Day children tie their fathers. The loosing is done with an exchange of gifts. And giving gifts represent devotion and love. The custom of tying symbolically connects the past with the present: we link them with mutual respect. The two generations are tied with mutual symbolize the love for God. So we see the Serbian people following the Lord’s words, “The wise father brings out of his household the old and the new.” This entire action of tying children with their parents vividly expresses a mutual bond of love between the generations. A clear picture is exposed of one people, how should they go through their history and living a life of wholeness, combining the priceless treasures of the past with the new adornments of the present and the future. This moral practice is greatly needed today when there is less and less attention given to the family and unity. Atheistic and other dark powers of this world are increasingly cutting the trunk of the family tree from its roots and creating animosity and divisiveness between the generations. Therefore, we should preserve and perpetuate this important Serbian tradition, one of our many beautiful customs, in celebrating Children’s, Mother’s, and Father’s day. it is imperative because the family observances complement the church and its effort to preserve family unity. Proper observance of these three holidays prior to Christmas, augmented with our diligent preparation for the Holy Day, will inspire a more meaningful and solemn Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

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Српска слога
Србин има једну мисо 
У срце му Бог уписо: 
Да он сваком добра жели, 
Да сироту не уцвели, 
Да дарује ко му тражи 
И бол свачиј да ублажи.
Само Србин нема слоге, 
Отуда му беде многе. 

Србин има прошлост славну 
Има веру православну,
Има језик – бисер сјајни, 
Има песму – ђердан бајни, 
Има памет – да царује, 
И вештину – да војује.
Само Србин нема слоге 
Отуда му беде многе. 

Србин има бистро око 
И брзину као соко,
Што науми учиниће, 
Што погреши поправиће, 
Свуда стиже, све постиже, 
Нико Богу није ближе. 
Само Србин нема слоге, 
Отуда му беде многе.

Ал' кад Србин стекне слогу, 
Милији ће бити Богу, 
И мајке ће у даљини, 
У Индији и у Кини, 
Својој деци говорити: 
- Желите ли срећни бити 
На Србе се угледајте 
Српском слогом заблистајте!

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Diocese of Eastern America
Православни Мисионарски Центар

The Holy Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul 

Troparion — Tone 4

First-enthroned of the apostles, teachers of the universe: Entreat the Master of all to grant peace to the world, and to our souls great mercy!

Kontakion — Tone 2

O Lord, You have taken up to eternal rest and to the enjoyment of Your blessings the two divinely-inspired preachers, the leaders of the Apostles, for You have accepted their labors and deaths as a sweet-smelling sacrifice, for You alone know what lies in the hearts of men.

Kontakion — Tone 2

Today Christ the Rock glorifies with highest honor The rock of Faith and leader of the Apostles, Together with Paul and the company of the twelve, Whose memory we celebrate with eagerness of faith, Giving glory to the one who gave glory to them!